10 Examples of Beautiful Blog Structure

Have you been thinking about starting a blog or looking to improve your blog?

Blogging can be a great way to help you scale your content marketing efforts for your business and achieve the results you’d like. Many company websites feature a blog section for this very reason.

According to Social Media Today, 70% of internet users find companies by reading their blog posts instead of ads.

If so many people read blogs and discover companies that way, why not get started?

First, you’ll need to know about blog structure, how to structure a blog post, and see some inspirational examples to get you going.

What is blog structure?

A blog structure is an essential foundation for writing a blog article, containing the title, intro, body, and conclusion.

  • Title: lets the reader know what to expect when reading the blog post so they know if it will fulfill the intent of what they are looking for
  • Introduction: why the reader should continue reading and what the blog is about
  • Main body: what are the supporting points to the topic of the blog
  • Conclusion: what is the takeaway from reading this blog

If you are having any trouble thinking of blog posts to write about, try out a blog post ideas generator.

Once you nail down the basic structure of your blog, you can include additional elements to your blog to optimize it properly. Here are a few elements to add to your blog posts that will help make them more resourceful for the reader and search engines:

  • Headings and subheadings (H1-H6)
  • Links (inbound and external)
  • Text (font, bold, italics)
  • Alt-text
  • Table of contents
  • Call-to-action (CTA)
  • Quotes
  • Graphics
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • GIFs

A table of contents allows your reader to jump to any section they desire if they have a specific topic they are researching.

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