ICTS has a strong postdoctoral program through which some of the best researchers from the country and also from around the world can contribute to, share and initiate new scientific ideas. In addition, ICTS also offers prize postdoctoral fellowship positions (Simons and Airbus fellowships) for suitable candidates.
ICTS offers a strong graduate program for students. Research opportunities are offered in the following areas of science: Astrophysical Relativity, Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics, Physical Biology, Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter and String Theory and Quantum Gravity.
ICTS offers summer internship research opportunities for undergraduate/masters students through the ICTS – SN Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program. The program is supported by the SN Bhatt Memorial Trust, which has been constituted to promote education and to support scientific research.
ICTS Long Term Visiting Students Program provides a unique opportunity to Masters and Integrated Masters students of Science and Engineering to work on long term research projects with faculty and post-doctoral fellows of the Centre.