25 Copy-and-Paste Blog Post Templates—UPDATED with 8 New Templates!

by Pat Flynn on July 23, 2018

25 Copy-and-Paste Blog Post Templates—UPDATED with 8 New Templates!

Got writer’s block? Look no further! Start writing today with one of these 25 copy-and-paste blog templates for your writerly convenience. Now UPDATED with new blog templates!

Get your notepad ready because today on the blog you’ll be treated to 25 copy-and-paste blog templates you can use on your blog right now. Originally, when this blog post was first published in February of 2012 (a looooong time ago in blog years), Kim Roach from Buzzblogger.com was kind enough to share with us her 17 ideas for blog posts. In this new-and-updated version, I’ve added 8 of my own ideas that have worked for me over the years. So now you have 25 helpful blog post templates at your fingertips!

If you’re an online business owner or entrepreneur, you should probably have a blog. If you don’t, this post will give you a strong start to learn what kinds of things you can publish. If you don’t even have a website yet, check out my free course, Build Your Own Brand, to help you learn, step by step, how to pick a brand and start a website.

I’ve had the Smart Passive Income blog for over a decade now. Believe me when I tell you that sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what to write about. So, take these blog post templates with you, to inspire new blog post ideas for your own website for many months to come!

The 25 blog post templates covered in this post are:

  1. Make a Predictions Post
  2. Things You Might Not Know About Me
  3. Why I Don’t Do ‘X’
  4. (Famous Person Guide) To (Blank)
  5. Case Study
  6. Product Showdowns
  7. ‘X’ Things You Must Do After (Blank)
  8. How To (Blank) In (X Number of Days / Hours)
  9. Experimental Posts
  10. Comprehensive Pillar Posts
  11. (Insert Desired Benefit) That No One Talks About
  12. Blog Post Roundup
  13. Things I Wish I Had Done Differently
  14. The Tools of the Trade
  15. Ask / Involve the Reader!
  16. Debunk Industry Myths
  17. Comment on Industry Gossip
  18. New Product, Course, or Book Launch

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